Hatfield PPG
Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are an important and established means of helping a practice to be responsive to the needs of their patients, and to improve the delivery of health services locally.
Together with the practice and the PPG, patients can gain a better knowledge of the health centre and its staff.
The PPG is a forum to suggest ideas your needs and concerns.
The Group Aim
The aim of the group is to give patients and the Practice an opportunity to exchange ideas and information, and to support the Practice with any service developments.
By working together we can continue to develop and improve the services at the practice.
If you would like to join our PPG then please email us at syicb-doncaster.hatfield-practice @ nhs.net with the Title 'Patient Participation Group'.
The next meeting of the PPG will take place on 26th September at 2.00 p.m. at Hatfield Health Centre. If you are interested in finding out more please just come along on the day and ask for the Practice Business Manager at reception. The meeting should last about an hour.